Progress on achieving SDG 6
2020 Voluntary National Review
Peru reported on some progress for meeting SDG 6 targets in 2019. Nationally, the proportion of households that have access to a safe water supply is at 35%, with a smaller proportion in rural areas reaching 2.3% in contrast to urban areas at a proportion of 45.6%. The country also reported that 82.6% of the population uses services of sanitation, with access in rural areas to 51.1% of the population, and in urban areas to 91.4%. Peru reported to face some challenges regarding access to basic services in Indigenous communities. They reported that 81.5% of the Amazonian indigenous peoples do not have drinking water inside their homes, and 93% do not have a drain inside their home. Additionally, in the city of Chiclayo, more than a thousand families do not have drinking water service and are in a state of emergency due to the coronavirus, which further limits their ability to adopt hygiene measures and are at an increased risk of catching the virus.
Read the full report here:
*The information reflected on this page has been taken directly from the official VNR received from this Member State. The information does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations.