Progress on achieving SDG 6
Norwegians enjoy universal access to safe and affordable drinking water, and adequate and equitable sanitation for all. The disinfection of drinking water at water treatment plants in Norway has improved over the last 20–30 years, partly as an effect of the National Programme for Water Supply.
Almost 100 % of the Norwegian population have access to treated drinking water from waterworks that meet high quality standards.
Most wastewater is treated, and the majority of the population is connected to municipal wastewater systems.
Norway is working towards integrated water resources management implementation through implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive.
Norway has protected many areas that are important for water-related ecosystems, and a concept is being developed for a comprehensive management plan for wetlands. New cultivation of bogs has been illegal since June 2020
Norway has established funding for the restoration of rivers and improved joint management of transboundary waters with neighboring countries.
However, a significant part of the Norwegian pipeline network is old, and the low rate of replacement of deteriorating pipelines is a challenge. On average, 30 % of the water leaks out before it reaches the consumer.
Parts of today’s water and sanitation systems are not adapted to climate change. Increased precipitation, floods and rising sea levels will in the future be a challenge in many municipalities.
There is insufficient information about private wells and other small water plants that do not require approval. These supply water to approximately 525,000 inhabitants.
Regarding global responsibility, in 2020, Norway spent approximately 100 million NOK on water and sanitation in developing countries. Water and sanitation are also a component of Norway’s humanitarian support (6,3 billion NOK budgeted in 2021).
Through the Norwegian Church Aid, Norway has provided WASH services for an estimated 1,443,247 women, men, boys and girls affected by crises in 12 countries.
Read the full report here: Voluntary National Review 2021 Norway
*The information reflected on this page has been taken directly from the official VNR received from this Member State. The information does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations.