Lao Peoples Democratic Republic
Progress on achieving SDG 6
Water supply coverage has improved and covers over 80% of the population.
Proportion of population using an improved drinking water source (well and stream – Nam Lin and Nam Badan) stands at 71%.
Water quality is a concern. 18.9% of population (2017) using water for drinking (well and stream – Nam Lin and Nam Badan) free from zero e-coli sources.
Water pollution is increasing in both urban and rural areas, and most urban areas have no wastewater treatment facilities, so inadequate sewerage facilities have accelerated the discharge of domestic liquid wastes to water bodies.
Open defecation is practiced by 23% of population, especially in rural areas.
About 84% of population was using an improved source of drinking water facility (97% in urban areas and 78% in rural) with wide ethnic differences.
Wetlands provide vital environmental, economic and cultural services to the country’s people and biodiversity, and are central to livelihoods of the rural population, supplying fish, fodder as well as future nature-tourism opportunities
The Government has designated the country’s first two wetlands of national significance, the Xe Champhone Wetlands and the Beung Kiat Ngong Wetlands.
Read the full report here: VNR_Report_Lao
*The information reflected on this page has been taken directly from the official VNR received from this Member State. The information does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations.