Global Online Stakeholder Consultation on the UN Decade of Sustainable Transport (2026 - 2035)
This consultation is now closed. The Secretariat is currently preparing a Summary Report, which will be published soon. Please find all the inputs received here.
In 2023, the General Assembly resolution A/78/148 titled “Strengthening the links between all modes of transport to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” called, among others, for closer UN cooperation, a UN Decade of Sustainable Transport (2026-2035), and a Third UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference, and the celebration of the next World Sustainable Transport Day on 26 November 2024. The Member States also requested the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs to develop an Implementation Plan for the UN Decade of Sustainable Transport, in collaboration with the UN Regional Commissions and in consultation with the Member States, the United Nations system and all other relevant stakeholders.
The Implementation Plan for the United Nations Decade of Sustainable Transport will be a critical tool in steering global efforts towards sustainable, inclusive, and resilient transportation systems. By fostering collaboration, mobilizing resources, and ensuring effective monitoring, the plan can shine a light on the critical importance of sustainable transport, contribute significantly to its achievement and to the attainment of several of the SDGs.
To ensure meaningful and substantive engagement of stakeholders in the preparations for the UN Decade of Sustainable Transport, stakeholders were invited to contribute their views, comments and inputs to the implementation plan of the UN Decade of Sustainable Transport (2026 - 2035) through a global online stakeholder consultation.
The online consultation served to promote broad and participatory engagement for the UN Decade of Sustainable Transport. It complemented and fed into other on-going processes for stakeholder participation, including a multi-stakeholder webinar on the World Sustainable Transport Day, 26 November 2024.
Non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, the private sector, philanthropic organizations and other stakeholders were invited to contribute their views, comments and inputs to the implementation plan of the UN Decade of Sustainable Transport through the global online stakeholder consultation.
Please find here a PDF document containing all the questions from the questionnaire. (Please, note that only inputs received through the online questionnaire were considered).
The deadline for submission was Friday 10 January 2025.
Contributions will be shared broadly and will be available online. A summary, including outcomes of the consultation and key inputs/messages, will be prepared by DESA and made publicly available.
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