Progress on achieving SDG 6
The water sector and legislation are integrated for the Integrated Management of Water Resources (IWRM), in correspondence with national priorities and the 2030 Agenda.
At the end of 2019, 96.7% of the people in Cuba had access to improved water sources (goal 6.1), with a stable trend in recent years. The proportion of the Cuban population that has safely managed drinking water supply services at the end of 2019 was 53.7%, a figure that has grown as an annual trend at a rate of 2% between 2015 and 2019. This It has been the result of a stable and intentional work that includes the construction of more than 2,200 kilometers of conductors and aqueduct distribution networks in various provinces of the country. The goal of this indicator for 2030 is 76.2%.
46.2% of people have basic service and 0.04% limited, subtracting 1.5% of people without access to improved sanitation facilities.
In general terms, the lack of wastewater treatment continues to be one of the health problems to be faced by 2030, mainly in third-party providers where it is still considered low.
The situation is more favorable in the urban sector with coverage of 99.2% and, of it, 46.4% with sewerage; while the rural sector shows a coverage of 96.2%, with the greatest contrast in the sewerage modality that only reaches 3.9%.
Regarding water quality (target 6.3), the proportion of treated wastewater amounts to 75%.
The level of water stress is far from the world average (13%) and at the threshold from which it is considered that water scarcity or water stress begins (25%).
Read the full report here: NR_Report_Cuba
*The information reflected on this page has been taken directly from the official VNR received from this Member State. The information does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations.