Progress on achieving SDG 6
2020 Voluntary National Review
Comoros noted that since the appearance of COVID-19, several activities have been implemented in the framework of SDG 6, including awareness raising on hygiene and sanitation and hand washing with soap and water. Despite those activities, the country reported to face barriers in achieving SDG 6 targets as universal access to drinking water is very low, with levels evaluated at 15% — an unimproved number since 2012. They also reported cause for concern in the water quality of Comoros, as the quality of the country’s water degrades with stormy episodes and with the resulting increased turbidity from damage to watersheds during thunderstorms.
The Comoros Emerging Plan therefore aims to combat the aforementioned issues as it is built around 5 axes: Reorganization of the institutional framework for Adduction in Drinking Water and Sanitation (DWSS) 2013- 2030, in line with the main targets of SDG 6; Mobilization, protection and monitoring of water resources, with a view to rationalization and sustainability; Strengthening of drinking water infrastructure, with the aim of generalizing access to all the Comorian population to a water source drinking water; Promotion of sanitation, to increase the level of hygiene of the population; and Capacity building of stakeholders and partners for an efficient and sustainable service.
In addition to the Emerging Plan, the country is reportedly involved in a number of multilateral projects such as the ER2C Project to ensure a supply in climate-resilient water (funded by United Nations Development Programme Green Climate Fund 2019-2027); the CRCCA Project to build capacities adaptation and resilience in agriculture to changes in climate (funded by Least Developed Country Fund 2014-2021); the Projet d'alimentation en eau potable et d'assainissement (PAEPA) Project, an Adduction Program in Drinking Water and Sanitation (funded by African Development Bank); and the ProgEau Project, the Adduction en Eau Potable (AEP) Domoni Project, the AEP Sima Project, and the AEP Djando Project all funded by Agence Française de Développement.
Comoros highlights these plans and projects to reveal both a critical diagnosis and encouraging results for progressing further on SDG 6.
Read the full report here:
*The information reflected on this page has been taken directly from the official VNR received from this Member State. The information does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations.