Progress on achieving SDG 6
2020 Voluntary National Review
Austria reported that the connection rate to municipal wastewater treatment plants increased from 93.9 % (2010) to 95.2 % (end of 2018); and 4.8 % of wastewater is disposed of via septic tanks or something similar. Austria also reported that 99% of households have a bath, shower or toilet in the home. Additionally, Austria reported using only 3% of its available water resources in 2019.
Regarding initiatives for continued progress, Austria has stated that it will undergo a transformation of its economy and society based on phasing out fossil fuels and using resources more efficiently. The country plans to achieve its goal of being climate-neutral by 2040 at the latest based on an amended Climate Protection Act. The amended Act outlines binding reduction paths up until 2040 and interim targets for 2030, as well as clear responsibilities and timetables. Additionally, Austria is developing plans with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism to continue supplying its population with sufficient clean water in the future.
Read the full report here:
*The information reflected on this page has been taken directly from the official VNR received from this Member State. The information does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations.