Progress on achieving SDG 6
According to the Ministry of Energy and Water, the water coverage rate in urban areas rose from 66% in 2016 to 71.5% in 2020. According to the same source, the water supply coverage rate in rural areas, rose from 66% in the year 2017 to 70.4% in the year 2020.
Regarding sanitation, as the rejection and treatment of wastewater is an integral part of the urban cycle of water use for human consumption, it is estimated that 80% of water consumed becomes wastewater.
At the country level and calculated for 2017, water requirements are mainly distributed as follows: 12% for public supply; 18% for industry, 10% livestock, 55% for irrigation and 5% relate to water transfers under cross-border agreements. The Government of Angola through the NDP 2018-2022 implements different programs to improve sanitation and drinking water distribution infrastructures.
Among the main risk situations related to water resources, floods, erosion and desertification stand out. These risks occur all over the country.
Read the full report here
*The information reflected on this page has been taken directly from the official VNR received from this Member State. The information does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations.