Progress report for
Corporate Sustainability and Innovations

Achievement at a glance
SDGx Carbon - NFT Collections with Chinese Calligraphy Drawings and Photograph Co-created with Students, Professor, Teachers, Industry Practitioners, NGOs from Cameroon, Kenya, Pakistan, Turkey, HKSAR, China for SDG#3 Wellness, #5 Gender Equality, #4.7 Knowledge, # 9 Innovations, #17 Partnership with impacts in fundraising (2023-24) - Engaged ICENECDEV, SDSN-Kenya, SHEHERSAAZ, NFT Investment & Venture, Igdir University.
Engaged Alliance, Paris, BNI HK Chapters, GreenTech Alliance, HK for delivering training and seminars on
SDG x ESG x web 3.0 (2023/2024) with on-going book publications with interviews on SDG x ESG x Web 3.0
(2019-2024 with 30+ Books Published):
Engaged SYART Gallery (18th Anniversary) in enhancing art communities for SDG x ESG x web 3.0 with NFT
Ceremony on June 26, 2024 and Transformation in Education via Art & Culture with Inclusion and Diversity, Anita Chan lai-ling Gallery, June 23- 26, 2024 in response to UN Civil Society Art & Culture imPACT Coalition, May 9th 2024.
SDG x Technology Forum
Restore the Nature with Innovations via SDGs and ESG+ PositivePeace
Exhibition - Exhibition
Mon 24-07-2023 to Thu 03-08-2023
Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery
The project "Restore the Nature with Innovations via SDGs and ESG+ PositivePeace" was convened by Dr. Shirley Yeung, a life artist and professor, along with the Young Asian Artist YAA Award in 2022. The project has been accelerated to hold a joint solo exhibition with SYART Founder, Mr. Song Yang, at Chan Lai-Ling Gallery in the Fringe Club from July 24th to August 3rd, 2023.
The exhibition will showcase Dr. Shirley Yeung's Chinese Calligraphy drawings, expressive drawings, and Bad Girl paintings, along with SYART Gallery's renowned art entrepreneur, Mr. Song Yang, who has 16 years of history with the gallery. The artwork on display will demonstrate the integration of SDG #3 Wellness, SDG #5 Gender Equality, SDG #8 Decent Job Creation, SDG #9 Innovations, and SDG #17 Partnership. This exhibition aims to support young female artists by providing more SDG/ESG exposure in the creative industries.
1) SDG Acceleration with Dr. Shirley Yeung as Artist, Unite Nations UNESCAP, March, 2023
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2) Dr. Shirley Yeung, an esteemed author recently published her 30th Book on SDG Acceleration
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Challenges faced in implementation
Ongoing Dialogue in different formats to reconnect and document the progress for impacts
SY Metaverse Mindset Platform with Contents of Transformations via SDGs and 6th movie on Cross Generation Transformation Movie via SDGs and Metaverse Mindset
Engaged students from Kenya and other developing countries if wifi is not stable
Next Steps
Dr. Shirley Yeung, Professor of Practice with partners - 1) ICENECDEV, Cameroon - UN Global Compact Member for Cop29, 2024 Projects, 2) Song Yang, SYART Gallery, and 3) NFT Investment & Venture with artists, students, teachers, NGOs and industry practitioners from different parts of the world for content creations in SDG#3/4/5/8/9/13/17:
Dr Shirley Yeung / Song Yang SDG Exhibition on Nature / Book Publication on Female Artist Ecosystem
Dr. Shirley Yeung/ Sam Lee - HopeNFT Launched on July 29, 2023 for SDG Projects/ Acceleration for Impacts via NFT and Web 3.0 for Impacts
Teenagers with values of harmony and social inclusion
e.g. Islamic Kasim Kuet Memorial College for SDG#5 Women Empowerment via HK MODEL CAMP
Producing the 9th movie (2024) and Painting Exhibition and Chinese Calligraphy Drawing in Zoom with Students/ Women in Developing CountriesExploring NFT / Web 3.0 as services with contents of SDGs / ESG to sustain and flourish our lives