Webinar 3: Going Forward with Climate and SDG Synergies for Covid-19 Recovery
Thu 25 Jun 2020, 9.00 am
Join experts and practitioners to identify the key actions needed to strengthen the application of climate & SDG synergies in practice. Speakers will propose actions to leverage global deliberations on biodiversity, food, transport, and oceans. All are encouraged to participate to help shape the consultation’s key messages and recommendations to inform deliberations at the High Level Political Forum, Climate Conference, COP26 and other fora.
Watch Webinar 3 Recording
Programme & Speakers
- Shantanu Mukherjee, UN DESA Chief, Integrated Policy Analysis Branch
- Daniele Violetti, UNFCCC Director, Means of Implementation
Panel: Advancing Synergies on Key 2020 Themes, Moderated by Shantanu Mukherjee
- Jane Ellis, OECD Principal Analyst on Climate Change
- Neil Pratt, Senior Officer Convention on Biological Diversity Secrétariat
- Roel Hoenders, IMO Head of Air Pollution & Energy Efficiency
- Tristan Smith, Associate Professor UCL, Director UMAS, Getting to Zero Coalition Bio
- Salvatore Arico, Head of Ocean Science Section, IOC-UNESCO Presentation Visit
- Stineke Oenema, Coordinator UN Standing Committee on Nutrition
- Zitouni Ould-Dada, FAO Deputy Director Climate & the Environment FAO Visit
Discussion: Acting on Climate & SDG synergies from the HLPF through COP26, Moderated by Minoru Takada, Energy Team Leader, UN DESA
Presentation of Zero Draft Report of the Synergies Consultations by Sarah Renner, UNDESA
Discussants reflect on proposed key messages, recommendations and follow up actions:
- Kazuhiko Takeuchi, President, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) Visit
- Mwanahamisi Singano, Head of Programmes, African Women's Development & Communication Network, Representative of UN Major Groups and Other Stakeholders Visit
- Stefano Signore, Head of Energy and Climate, EC DEVCO Bio