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United Nations إدارة الشؤون الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التنمية المستدامة

Commitment to achieve SDGs
Description of commitment

South Africa remains dedicated to tackling global environmental, economic, social, and political challenges by 2030 through its commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
To achieve these goals, South Africa will work with the regional and international community to transform the mandate and functioning of global and local economies at a leadership, infrastructure, investment, and operational level in order to address fundamental developmental challenges including unemployment, inequality, and poverty in the country.
South Africa believes that it is necessary for new momentum to stop the regression and accelerate SDG progress in a global multisectoral initiative. Therefore, working together through strengthening global solidarity is critical.
South Africa is committed to work on initiatives aimed at expanding training and education in the digital economy, enabling equitable access, particularly for girls and women. Women’s empowerment is central to poverty eradication and promoting inclusive economic growth. Therefore, investing in education as well as eliminating financing barriers that discriminate against women can increase women’s entrepreneurship while expanding economic opportunities and enabling them to participate meaningfully in the economy.

National benchmark for reducing poverty and inequality by 2027


Strengthening of national planning and institutional frameworks to support commitment

South Africa has developed several policy instruments and initiatives that are geared toward the country transitioning to a sustainable and climate-resilient development pathway. The development of a Just Transition Framework by South Africa’s Presidential Climate Commission (PCC), underscores that combating climate change is not only an environmental imperative but a socio-economic one as well.
Therefore, South Africa continues to reaffirm its commitment to co-creating and implementing strategies that are not only environmentally sustainable but also socially and economically just. This means ensuring that the transition to a low-carbon economy is fair and equitable by taking into consideration the needs of all stakeholders, including marginalized communities and workers in industries that may be impacted by the shift.
In 2022, South Africa undertook an SDG Diagnostic Scoping Note assessment exercise to establish how the implementation of the SDGs can be accelerated. The assessment looked at synergies across sectors that contribute towards more than one SDG or Agenda 2063 goal. The assessment identified policy actions that need to be implemented including the expansion of social protection schemes, growing the economy, and involving the private sector and other actors in the effort to achieve the development goals.

Ares of strengthened institutional frameworks

Making SDG achievement a more central focus in national planning and oversight mechanisms, Strengthening the capacities of local and subnational governments to advance the SDGs , Boosting transparency and access to information

Additional information

Action Network
Type of initiative
National Commitment to SDG Transformation
Member State
South Africa
Geographic scope
Key priority transitions
Leaving no one behind, Investing in women and girls, Making the digital transformation work for everyone, Protecting biodiversity and natural resources , Delivering on climate finance
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