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United Nations Département des Affaires Économiques et Sociales Développement Durable

Egypt 2023 SDGs National Commitments
Description of commitment

1. Human development; with a special focus on education and health.
Based on the annual Economic and Social Plan for the fiscal year 2023/2024, this shall include steps like:
- Abiding by the Egyptian constitution’s statements on share of public spending on health, pre-university and higher education, and scientific research (at least 10% of GNP)
- Universal health coverage, prioritizing primary healthcare, availing medicine and vaccination against viruses and epidemics, improving health facilities in rural areas within the framework of Hayah Karima
- Improving efficiency of educational systems and effectiveness of its outcomes, expand the establishment of schools and classes and decrease classes density, technical development of curriculums, vocational trainings, technological universities to cope with 4th IR
- Numerical target: Improving Egypt’s performance in the global human development index (HDI), to move from the “high human development” category to the “very high human development” category by 2030, which requires improving Egypt’s value in the index from 0.731 in 2021 to at least 0.8 by 2030.

2. Increase women’s participation in the labor force.
- Numerical target: By 2030, increase women participation rate by 67.8% of its most recent value in 2020, in accordance with the targets of the updated Egypt Vision 2030.

3. Support the private sector and increase its engagement in production and investments.
- Numerical target: By 2030, increase the share of private sector in total investments by 132% of its initial value in 2020/2021, in accordance with the targets of the updated Egypt Vision 2030.

National benchmark for reducing poverty and inequality by 2027

Egypt is targeting decreasing the proportion of the population falling below the national poverty line by 20% of its most recent value in 2019/2020 by the year 2027, based on the national target values in Egypt Vision 2030 for the years 2025 and 2030.

Strengthening of national planning and institutional frameworks to support commitment

The following are the 4 main clusters of institutional arrangements that Egypt can commit to enhance in order to support and accelerate SDGs implementation, with a couple of examples in each demonstrating how Egypt is already exerting considerable efforts in those areas:

1. Ensuring data transparency and availability to enhance evidence-based decision making and policy formulation:
- Launching Egypt Development Portal (EDP): As part of Egypt’s efforts to stimulate and encourage an inclusive and participatory path to sustainable development and to empower data-driven and fact-based policies, investments, programs and public debate, the Government of Egypt will launch the Egypt Development Portal (EDP). EDP is the outcome of a collective partnership among all producers of knowledge in Egypt to bring together latest available data and information into a centralized platform that facilitates access to all Egyptians and to all those concerned with sustainable development.
The objective of the Egypt Development Portal is to promote data availability, enabling users to access, visualize, extract, share and analyze data-driven content based on reliable sources, in order to support timely data-driven analysis and evidence-based policymaking; both of which are critical pillars of the successful implementation of the United Nations Agenda 2030 and Egypt’s Vision 2030.

- Increasing SDGs data coverage:
According to the latest national report issued by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) in 2023 to monitor SDGs indicators data in Egypt, coverage for SDGs data is currently at 56.8%, which increased from 47.5% in the previous report released in 2019. The government of Egypt is working hard in a cooperative manner between all ministries and entities with CAPMAS, to ensure further increasing the SDGs data coverage by 2030.

2. Financing the SDGs:
- INFF framework and financing strategy:
The government of Egypt through the MPED, has committed with the United Nations in 2020 to implement an Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) that lays out the means of financing its national priorities by 2030. It provides the frame and lays out the instruments to mobilize the resources required for the SDGs from a range of financing flows, domestic and international, public and private.

- The Integrated System for Investment Plan Preparation and Monitoring (ISIPPM):
The system connects the units of the government that prepare and monitor the national, sectoral and spatial plans, in light of sustainable development goals, to submit requests for investment allocations and monitor their implementation and evaluate their development performance. It aims at linking the UN-Sustainable Development Goals and Egypt Vision 2030 objectives to the GOE action program (2018-2022) and all development projects implemented by the Egyptian public entities. Ongoing efforts are also in place to link the system to KPIs monitoring the implementation of the government program.

3. Localization of the SDGs:
- Empowering and strengthening the capacities of local governments and governorates to advance the SDGs:
This includes capacity building, but also creating and availing more data and indices focused on the local level (such as creating the governorates competitiveness index); as well as creating the funding-formula for public investments allocation to governorates according to each governorate’s characteristics and needs.
- Availing SDGs data on the governorate level:
MPED worked with UNFPA and Baseera on developing 27 localization reports, one for each governorate, that monitors the performance of the governorate in the SDGs indicators. Additionally, a Localization Dashboard was developed solely for policy makers, where governors can check and visualize all SDG-related data in their governorates, and assess their performance against targets that were set in a national exercise that was done in a participatory manner with local governments. The ministry is working closely with CAPMAS to increase the coverage of the data on the local level as well. These efforts aim essentially at capacitating decision-makers in the governorates to formulate evidence-based policies and decisions.

4. The Supporting institutional framework to achieve the SDGs:
- The General Unified Planning Law:
The law is an important achievement in the legislative reform process and guarantees the development of the planning system in Egypt following the latest international standards, as well as ensuring that the SDGs are embedded in the planning process.

- State Ownership Policy Document:
The document intends to complement the reforms adopted by the Egyptian State within the framework of strengthening the role of the private sector in the economic activity and creating an enabling economic environment that attracts and reinforces investments.
It also presents the methodology used for making decisions to retain or exit state-owned assets during the coming period, while highlighting the role of the Sovereign Fund of Egypt (TSFE) in this context and the dimensions of the public-private partnership as a mechanism to further enhance the role of the private sector.

Ares of strengthened institutional frameworks

Making SDG achievement a more central focus in national planning and oversight mechanisms, Aligning domestic budgets and financing with the SDGs, Strengthening regulatory frameworks to align private sector governance models, operating principles and disclosure requirements with sustainable development objectives, Strengthening the capacities of local and subnational governments to advance the SDGs , Rejuvenating and strengthening public sector institutions , Boosting transparency and access to information, Strengthening national statistical systems, Securing country-level data for the SDG targets

Additional information

Action Network
Type of initiative
National Commitment to SDG Transformation
Member State
Geographic scope
Key priority transitions
Leaving no one behind, Investing in women and girls, Tackling the global crisis in education
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