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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

MORE LITERACY - MARANHÃO - DAY OF LITERACY "YES, I CAN" – is connected with the SDG 4.


    The Literacy Journey of Maranhão Yes, I can - culture circles is one of the actions of the Escola Digna Program of the Plan More HDI Index. The plan seeks to "promote the overcoming of extreme poverty and social inequalities in urban and rural areas, through a sustainable territorial development strategy. Investments prioritize three dimensions of human development: health, education and income. With its main activity in 30 municipalities with the lowest HDI, Literacy Day is one of the actions in the education dimension, which materialized from the partnership established between the SEDUC and SEDIHPOP.

    Objective of the practice

    Reduce illiteracy among young people, adults and the elderly in the 15 (fifteen) municipalities operating in the second phase of the Day; Raise the level of education and culture of students, educators and coordinators of the municipalities. Ensure continuity of the teaching-learning process;

    State Secretariat of Education of Maranhão - SEDUC, Secretariat for Human Rights and Popular Participation- SEDIHPOP, Movement of Landless Rural Workers - MST. The 15 (fifteen) partner municipalities. Keyword: Literacy, Youth, Adult and Elderly, Minor HDI, Social Participation;
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The Literacy Journey Yes, I can, is developed through the Cuban literacy method Yes, I Can! And from the Circles of Culture of the Freiriano Method, the MST formed the National Literacy Brigade Salete Moreno, composed of militants from different areas of knowledge and with varying degrees of training. The “brigadistas” are militants of the MST, coming from 11 states of Brazil: Bahia, Ceará, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraíba, Paraná, Piauí, Rio Grande do Sul, Rondônia, Tocantins and Maranhão. In the thirteen months of work, the Journey mobilized directly more than 21 thousand people, between class coordinators, educators and learners

    Mobilization of 20,075 people in the 15 municipalities; Total number of students 19,153; 1,298 Trained; Selection and training of 1,298 educators to work on the project; Selection and training of 188 class coordinators Total Literacy 13,280. The main beneficiaries of this initiative are the residents of the following municipalities: Afonso Cunha, Água Doce do MA, Aldeias Altas, Belágua, Governador Newton Belo, Itaipava do Grajaú, Jenipapo dos Vieiras, Lagoa Grande do Maranhão, Marajá do Seena, Milagres do MA, Santa Filomena do MA, Santana do MA, São João do Carú, São Raimundo do Doca Bezerra and São Roberto.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    10.1- Success- Eradication of illiteracy; 10.2 Strengthening of partnerships with municipalities aiming at the continuation of studies by the literate.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Strengthening of partnerships with the local Government, (Prefectures, Secretariats of Education, Transportation, Health and Youth); Enturmation with referral of the literate to EJA; Reduction of illiteracy levels; Eradication of illiteracy.

    The Literacy Journey of Maranhão-Yes I Can-Circle de culture has been a landmark in Maranhão Education in the area of Youth and Adult Education, since its actions have transformed the reality of the 15 municipalities in which it acted. In a literate society, learning to read and write is part of the achievement of Fundamental Rights, rights that make up human dignity, citizenship, implies a change of perspective on how to change the world as a part and what to project from it. In the journey of Literacy this learning comes accompanied by two other dimensions: the critical reading of the world and the experience of a practice of solidarity, collective and humanizing.

    Other, please specify
    We inform that the total investment was made through the agreement entered into between the State Department of Education of Maranhão and the Sousândrade Foundation and was ordered in the amount of USD 5.207.848,00.
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    05 May 2017 (start date)
    05 June 2018 (date of completion)
    Secretary of Education of the Government of Maranhão
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    The initiative aims to eradicate illiteracy and has its area of activity in the population of the 15 municipalities of Maranhão with lower HDI indices.
    MORE LITERACY - MARANHÃO - DAY OF LITERACY "YES, I CAN" – is connected with the SDG 4. MORE LITERACY - MARANHÃO - DAY OF LITERACY "YES, I CAN" – is connected with the SDG 4. MORE LITERACY - MARANHÃO - DAY OF LITERACY "YES, I CAN" – is connected with the SDG 4.
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Eliziane Carneiro dos Santos, Superintendent of Basic Education