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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

North Macedonia

Progress on achieving SDG 6

2020 Voluntary National Review

North Macedonia reported to face a number of challenges relating to water and sanitation. They reported that their administrative capacities in the water sector are weak and need a lot of investment. The 2012 National Water Strategy estimated investment needs for post-2011 at 15.2 billion denars (0.24 billion Euro), of which 12.9 billion denars (0.21 billion Euro) is required for wastewater treatment. Additionally, North Macedonia reported that water quality remains a significant problem for many households. The country noted that children in some settlements are at risk from untreated water and lack of waste management facilities, and there are also concerns for untreated mining, municipal and industrial waste entering water systems which is affecting the drinking water. Another challenge that was reported is the issue of schools to implement at least one toilet to manage menstrual health among women and girls, create incentives for investment improvements in menstrual health (such as tax incentives) and provide free menstrual health management packages to all girls involved in regular education.  

Since 2011, the Drin Core Group, which includes the designated implementation agencies, has reportedly achieved the following: Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis, which analyzed the significance and challenges related to the management of the Drin Basin, including socio-economic development, biodiversity, institutional and legal settings, hydrology/hydrogeology and pollution; Strategic Action Program, which outlines structural measures (including legislation) and implementation plans for each country;  Information Management System, which serves as a platform for joint data collection, storage and sharing; and Lake Ohrid Watershed Management Plan, which outlines the surveillance monitoring plan and a set of measures to manage water usage and quality in Lake Ohrid sustainably.    

Similarly, the project “Strumica River Basin – Implementation of the Strumica River Basin Management Plan” reportedly plans to introduce measures that will help restore the Strumica River Basin’s socio-ecological functions and its overall resilience against the complex pressures resulting from human activities and global changes. 

North Macedonia committed to future progress on SDG 6 targets through the following actions: Establishing a system for flood assessment, protection and preparedness, handling and developing flood risk management plans; Increasing the level of investments in terms of GDP by building wastewater collection and treatment systems; Providing healthy drinking water to the population, through modern water supply systems on the basis of the "user pays" principle; Establishment of river basin management and improvement of the state of the environment, as well as preservation of human health by improving water quality; Complete transposition of legislation; Establishment of a comprehensive water monitoring system; and Completion of river basin management plans. 

Read the full report here: 


*The information reflected on this page has been taken directly from the official VNR received from this Member State. The information does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations. 
